10 Reasons Why Your Parent May Need In-Home Care

When elderly parents start to exhibits signs of illness or an inability to manage their household due to old age, their loved ones might already be thinking about nursing homes. The truth is, your parent might not need a nursing home yet. Many seniors are still able to live independent of continual medical and supervision; all they need at times is assistance with chores and companionship. In-home care offers an alternative.

In-home care comprises a set of non-medical services that specializes in assisting your parent with day-to-day activities such as bathing, dressing, as well as running errands and yard work. In addition to providing an extra hand for chores, in-home care also provides your loved one with companionship. In-home care gives family members peace of mind with the knowledge that their loved one is being properly cared for in their own homes. If your loved one is experiencing difficulties with performing their daily activities, but is healthy enough to not need constant medical attention, in-home care might be the best option.

Here are some ways to find determine if your parent is in need of In-Home care:

  1. A change in hygiene, infrequent bathing
  2. Confusion about medication and taking prescriptions
  3. Forgetfulness
  4. An untidy house
  5. Moodswings
  6. Fluctuating moods and confusion
  7. Uncertaining when doing routine tasks
  8. Trouble with balance, walking, getting up
  9. Missing important appointments, bill payments, unopened mail
  10. Looks malnourished

If there are any specific resources that you or an elderly loved one are still in search of or in need of further assistance with, please don’t hesitate to contact us for help!

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By: Hilda Huambachano

Placement Coordinator at WellPath Partners

B.S. in Health Science & Biology at San Diego State University 

MPH Candidate at California State University, Long Beach

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