During these unprecedented times, the pandemic of COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on our world and nation. The older adult population is one of the most vulnerable to being infected. The CDC states that 8 out of 10 deaths reported in the U.S. have been in adults 65 years old and older. They are already experiencing challenges: being increasingly dependent on help from family and friends, having a fear of being socially isolated, not having the ability to be virtually accessible, lacking access to resources and services, and dealing with a high risk of exposure, putting a strain on their independence.
COVID-19 has been disproportionately affecting ethnic and underserved communities. In New York City, known as one of the largest cities devastated by COVID-19 in the world, it was identified that COVID-19 death rates among Black/African American persons (92.3 deaths per 100,000 population) and Hispanic/Latino persons (74.3) were substantially higher than that of white (45.2) or Asian (34.5) persons. From Johns Hopkins University, the director of the Center of Innovation of Aging found that the counties with a higher proportion of people who have to spend more than a third of their income on housing have higher COVID-19 mortality rates. If we had a society that was structured so that everyone had the same chance at receiving healthcare, we would not see the disparities we are seeing now.
Therefore, please continue to take precautions and follow CDC guidelines as restrictions start to lift and the next phases begin in your county or city. We can only make progress in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 with everyone’s support. A special thank you for those who are doing your part to help us get through this together. Also, as we continue to do our best to protect our community, families, and elderly loved ones, it is important that everyone knows what resources are available to those in need of assistance, especially for older adults and their families.
We at WellPath Partners have assembled a list of COVID-19 resources catered to older adults offered at the national to local levels (Long Beach, CA) for individuals and families to have and share. Please see the COVID-19 resources below.
National level:
CDC COVD-19 Resources https://www.cdc.gov/aging/covid19-guidance.html
National Aging Council
American Society on Aging
State level (CA):
California COVD-19 https://covid19.ca.gov/
Department of Aging https://aging.ca.gov/covid19/
California Assisted Living http://caassistedliving.org/provider-resources/coronavirus/
County level (Los Angeles):
Workforce Development Aging & Community Services
Los Angeles Food Policy Council https://www.goodfoodla.org/covid19
Department of Public Health http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/resources-seniors.htm
Local level (Long Beach):
Senator Len Gonzalez COVID-19 resources https://sd33.senate.ca.gov/covid-19-resources
DTLB https://downtownlongbeach.org/covid-19-updates/
LB Forward https://www.lbforward.org/covid19
City of Long Beach COVID-19 resources http://www.longbeach.gov/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/diseases-and-condition/information-on/novel-coronavirus/general-public-handouts-and-graphics/resources-for-older-adults
Other Resources:
John Hartford Foundation https://www.johnahartford.org/dissemination-center/view/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-resources-for-older-adults-family-caregivers-and-health-care-providers
Justice in Aging https://www.justiceinaging.org/covid-19-resources-for-advocates/
If there are any specific resources that you or an elderly loved one are still in search of or in need of further assistance with, please don’t hesitate to contact us for help!
WellPath Partners is your senior resource referral guide. Follow us on ALL social media platforms and join us weekly for more content and public health discussions.
By: Hilda Huambachano
Placement Coordinator at WellPath Partners
B.S. in Health Science & Biology at San Diego State University
MPH Candidate at California State University, Long Beach