Caring for Seniors during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many people have been affected during this pandemic. This is not limited to their health but also to their finances. Although it is scary to make any decision at this time, life doesn’t stop and preparedness for the future is now crucial. Here are some tips to help set plans for caregivers about providing care during these unprecedented times: 

Self Care Plan 

  • As a caregiver, take all precautions to avoid becoming infected. This includes using personal protective equipment like face masks and gloves.
  • Wash your hands when coming inside the house, after providing care, before and after meal preparation and bathroom use. Keep your hands away from your face. 
  • Check for fever and respiratory symptoms. Do daily temperature readings. 
  • Clean any frequently touched surfaces, areas, and equipment at home. 
  • Avoid large crowds. Wear face masks when necessary. Cough and sneeze into the elbow or a disposable tissue.
  • Try to eat healthy, practice exercise and fitness routines. Do hobbies that decrease stress or anxiety. 
  • Maintain a sleeping schedule. Talk to a healthcare provider if you are having difficulty with sleep, use telecare if possible for therapy sessions as well.  

Stay Connected Plan 

  • Remember to practice social and physical distancing but not social isolation. 
  • Go for walks, drives, and activities that you can do outside in the patio, backyard, or in space near the home to get fresh air. 
  • Make an activities schedule like reading books out loud, watching tv shows, looking through photo books, listening to music, playing game boards or online games, doing creative artwork with things around the house, and, if possible, cooking or starting a herb garden together.
  • Schedule phone calls and video chats to communicate with loved ones.
  • Have family and friends drive by to say hello or to help run errands if needed. 

Emergency Plan 

  • As a family or group, pick an emergency contact that is reliable and close incase if the main caretaker does become ill.
  • Seek resources and services that are made available during this time. Contact healthcare providers for resources, the Department of Aging within your city, or state for services and eligibility criteria. 

WellPath Partners is your senior resource referral guide. Follow us on ALL social media platforms and join us weekly for more content and public health discussions.

By: Hilda Huambachano

Placement Coordinator at WellPath Partners

B.S. in Health Science & Biology at San Diego State University 

MPH Candidate at California State University, Long Beach

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