Occupational Wellness

WellPath Partners

Seniors Give Back: Volunteering to Stay Active

Volunteering is a great way to address many health concerns of seniors, including isolation and depression. More than just an ...
WellPath Partners

Helping your 2020 Resolutions Stick

While many of us are trying to commit to more active lifestyles, our busy everyday schedules often direct our wellness ...
WellPath Partners

The Sun is Still Shining: Why Older Adults Matter

In my senior year of high school, I decided to face one of my biggest fears. At around the age ...
WellPath Partners

Aquatic Therapy for Seniors

Exercise is a crucial element necessary for a healthy body. Regardless of age, physical activity can always provide plenty of ...
WellPath Partners

Art Versus Alzheimer’s

Learn how the arts can help improve mental cognition and brain function in patients with Alzheimer’s. Seniors often engage themselves ...
WellPath Partners

Alcohol for Seniors

As many of us already know, alcohol is a dangerous drug which should only be consumed in careful moderation. Regardless ...
WellPath Partners

Debunking Dementia

If you or a loved one is experiencing memory loss, you may have already heard plenty about the prevalence and ...

