Climate change is a growing issue which will negatively affect future generations to come unless we affect change today. Along with the extinction of hundreds of species and destruction to natural environments, climate anxiety is another outcome of climate change. Climate anxiety stems from fears about the current and future state of the environment caused by human-induced change to global climate.
Although climate anxiety is not a medical condition, it can exacerbate pre-existing mental health concerns in some individuals. Although multinational corporations with large carbon footprints and ineffective waste systems are a huge barrier, it is important to remember that every global citizen also plays a particularly important role in the environmental decline of our planet.
Here are some things anyone can do to help relieve the stress on our planet and our future generations.
- Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot.
- Cold water takes up much less energy than warm water. Why waste energy warming water you will not even feel?
- Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.
- Remember to be more conscious of your consumption around your house, especially when you are in the other room!
- Pay your bills online instead of mailing them in.
- Not only will this save you time, money, and sanity, online payments require much less paper and natural resources from the environment.
- Repurpose glass jars
- Plant a simple backyard garden
- Switch your light bulbs to energy efficient types
- Energy efficient light bulbs typically use 25%-80% less energy and can last 3-25 times longer to save both energy and money.
- Create a homemade compost bin for $15
- Food and yard waste contain vital nutritional energy which can help grow your garden. Instead of tossing this waste in a plastic bag toward a landfill, make a $15 compost bin in your own backyard!
- Use reusable instead single-use paper or plastics
- 400 million tons of plastic waste is dumped into our oceans and landfills every year. Avoiding plastic water bottles or bags at the grocery store can help prevent pollution from destroying natural environments.
While we cannot completely become independent of natural resources, it’s important to acknowledge that we only have one planet to call home, and it’s currently deteriorating. While this may induce anxiety, know that there are big and small things anyone can do to reduce our negative impacts and carbon footprints. Like all great and beautiful things, our planet will too die one day; let’s do our part to boost the longevity of our home for our grandchildren and great grandchildren to enjoy it as well.
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By Prithvi Chauhan