Our veterans deserve adequate care after serving this country
If you or a loved one was a veteran of the US military, you may qualify for additional benefits for long-term care, based on your care and/or financial need. Here are some programs that can provide financial assistance for those who qualify. This is not a comprehensive list of programs and services available to veterans. For information, click the link at the bottom of the page.
Additional information on Veterans Benefits regarding long term care can be found here:

As a prerequisite for Veterans Administration (VA) Long Term Care services
You must be enrolled in VA health as your VA service-connected disability. Disability status and income will be the primary factors affecting your copay amount.
VA Disability Compensation is available for Veterans with a service-connected disability, provided that you apply for the benefits. The benefit is a monthly tax-free payment connected to your service-connected disability rating.
Once enrolled, you will be eligible for Home and Community-Based Services if they are available in your location and you demonstrate a clinical need for it. Services include Geriatric Evaluation, Adult Day Health Care, Respite Care, and Skilled Home Health Care.
The VA does provide VA Nursing Homes to eligible veterans, however, they typically do not pay for room and board at non-VA Assisted Living facilities or Adult Family Homes. Moreover, each type of residential setting has a different set of eligibility requirements.
Veterans Pension
Veterans are eligible for the Veterans pension if they meet any of the following requirements: are 65 years or older, totally and permanently disabled, living in a nursing home and receiving skilled nursing care, and currently receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income.
Furthermore, pension guidelines are set by Congress and cannot raise your income over the Maximum Annual Pension Rate.

Aid and Attendance Allowance
The Aid and Attendance Program provides eligible veterans and survivors with additional financial assistance, along with their monthly VA pension, if they meet one of the following conditions: Require the help of another person for ADL assistance, are bedridden, live in a nursing home, and are physically or mentally incapacitated, or have poor eyesight.
Housebound Allowance
Similar to Aid and Attendance benefits, veterans who are substantially confined to their immediate premises due to permanent disability may qualify for Housebound benefits. A Veteran or surviving spouse, however, may not receive both Aid and Attendance benefits and Housebound benefits at the same time.