Gerotranscendence is known as the final stage of progression towards maturation and wisdom. This theory describes the development involving new understandings of self, relationship with others, and fundamental existential questions. This theory is a shift in perspective as there is an increase in life satisfaction. The theory of gerotranscendence is a developmental theory on positive aging; it presents a positive view regarding aging.
Characteristics of Gerotranscendence
People who are experiencing gerotranscendence have a new definition of self and of the relationships they have with others. There is also a new understanding of fundamental existential questions. People are also less self-occupied and are more selective with the social and other activities they participate in. Individuals also experience a decreased interest in material things and a greater need for solidarity. Positive solitude becomes more important for those individuals. People are becoming more prepared for death and are satisfied with life.
During this time, people’s views change regarding their present self and their self in retrospect. There is a decrease in self-centeredness, and individuals begin to focus on the needs of others rather than their own. There is also a new awareness regarding how to take good care of their body without being obsessed with their body image. Individuals also find the distinction between the roles they play and themselves. They oftentimes have an urge to abandon their roles to get closer to obtaining their genuine true self. During this time, individuals withhold judgment and give advice as there is an increase in tolerance and broadmindedness.
Gerotranscendence is reached as people get older, but it can be accelerated by crisis. People who experience crises may reach gerotranscendence at a younger age. The movement toward gerotranscendence is a continuous one, but this process can be obstructed or accelerated. The process can be hindered by elements of a person’s culture. Some cultures do not believe in this theory because it is not culturally bounded, but rather it is a natural process. As people get closer to gerotranscendence, there is an increased feeling of unity with the universe and a growing affinity with past and future generations.
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By: Cindy Birrueta
Office Support Specialist at WellPath Partners
Health Care Administration Graduate, California State University, Long Beach