From “What now?” to “What’s next?”

For many years, most seniors have lived in the same day-to-day routine. Most of them worked for many of those years, others were raising kids, and some juggling both. In retirement, the regular schedule has now shifted, leaving them with a lot more free time. Seniors now have the freedom to do things they may have never gotten the chance to do earlier in their lives. The adjustment can be daunting, but it starts with answering a crucial question: what now?

Bucket lists are a great way to answer this question. Not only are bucket lists “to-do lists,” but they are plans for a new life. They’re simply a list of things you wish to do in this new stage of life. When we think of bucket lists, we think of doing extreme adventures like skydiving or bungee jumping. But they’re not limited to those activities and can actually be much simpler, like drawing or making a new friend. The important thing is that the list can only be made by each senior individually; no one else can make the list for them.

A person may have trouble starting the list, but here are a few questions that can help:

  • Is there something you want to accomplish in an area of life — family, health, financially, socially, professionally?
  • Are there any new things you want to learn how to do or would like more information about?
  • Are there any passions that you never pursued?
  • Is there anywhere you would like to travel to?

Once a senior finishes writing out their list, the next steps are planning and completing the tasks. However, there may be things to consider before starting, such as making travel arrangements, seeking companions, or researching classes nearby. One of the most important things to consider is in regards to the finances involved. This may be one of the most difficult aspects of completing the bucket list, but this does not necessarily need to be an obstacle. Seniors will have to prioritize and budget their expenses accordingly to leave themselves more room to cross everything off their bucket list. 

Bucket lists are a way to encourage a person to experience adventures they may not have had the chance to earlier in life.  The hope is that, in the end, seniors can change the question of  “what now?” into “what is next?” WellPath Partners is here to help seniors on their bucket list journey. 

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