Health Benefits of Traveling for Seniors

Old age and retirement should be cherished as a time of freedom from office work duties, extra chores, and tedious errands. With much more free time at hand, seniors should revisit overlooked vacation plans and take advantage of travel opportunities. Whether it be an elaborate getaway abroad, or a more local over-night excursion, traveling can be a great mental and physical exercise for everyone, especially seniors.

Studies show how navigating new roads can be a great cognitive exercise for orientation and mental mapping. Museums are also a great way to learn new things about another time or culture. Expanding one’s knowledge on a variety of topics can be a great step toward expanding one’s mind. Exposing oneself to new perspectives and worldviews can be a great step toward evolving one’s opinions into more educated and accepting ideas.

Vacationing can also be a great way to challenge one’s physical health. As lethargy may be more common among aging individuals, physical activity becomes increasingly necessary for senior citizens. Walking around from sight to sight on a guided tour, or strolling through a foreign park can be great ways to stay in motion on vacation.

How has travel helped you? Comment below with your favorite travel memories, tips, and lessons learned while away from home!

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