Apps to Improve Senior Memory

Who said that screen time is damaging your brain? Time in front of a screen is often beneficial, especially if you are an aging senior. It has been clinically demonstrated that in a phase called “neuroplasticity” the brain will respond to changes. When the synaptic connections are reinforced in a way that enhances or preserves cognitive functioning, the brain adapts. 

The following list contains apps that will help stimulate the brain of a senior. Granted, no app would be able to fully stop the signs of aging on the brain, but it may be beneficial to try one:

1.      Luminosity

The developers of Luminosity state that scientific evidence supports their games. It is said that engaging with the exercises on this app increases intellect, arithmetic, and language abilities. You can monitor your success with the app whether you work on memory-improving tasks or verbal fluency. 

2.      Elevate: Brain Training

Elevate is an app for brain training that helps one to optimize various aspects of the brain, including concentration, rhythm, and memory. This software makes brain stimulation enjoyable with numerous games that promote a range of thinking abilities when played. This method in brain conditioning is customized and often monitors the success of the individual so that one can recognize how they have been able to progress for a given amount of time. The games vary in difficulty, continuously pushing the player to ensure that they still learn effectively. This way, by driving the user to different thresholds on a regular basis, the app is able to optimize brain stimulation results. 

3.      Peak

Peak is a beneficial program for seniors as it lets them sharpen their ability to solve challenges, boost recall and strengthen their mental endurance. It features more than 40 games created to have in-depth perspectives that help to measure improvement. This gaming app comes with quick yet intense brain exercises focused on one’s life. The tasks are structured to meet the needs of an individual for attention, problem solving, memory, and mental endurance. A personal trainer known as a Coach is also an added component to the app. A coach challenges seniors and other users with new exercises, measures their success and creates techniques for how to strengthen, inspire and empower them to reach their limits. 

There are so many advantages that come with practicing and exercising your cognitive abilities. Mental exercises improve your mental stamina just like physical exercises develop your physical strength. These are really useful apps for seniors, as they can offer so many fun and exciting activities while offering resources for learning at the same time. The elderly deserve support to be more independent. If they have a reliable memory, this becomes more of a possibility.

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 By Cynthia Aparicio

Senior Care Advising Intern at WellPath Partners

Human Development Student at California State University, Long Beach

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