Understanding Dementia
By WellPath Partners |
If you or a loved one is experiencing memory loss, you may have already heard plenty about the prevalence and ...
Vaccines for Seniors: Good or Bad Idea?
By WellPath Partners |
August is National Immunization Awareness Month! August is the time that children begin to return to school. There are immunizations ...
It’s Not Too Late to Make Amends
By WellPath Partners |
Wrongdoing is a natural part of life. Most people try to avoid it, especially when it comes to their relationships ...
A Golden Girls Revolution
By WellPath Partners |
In 1985, The Golden Girls, aired and gave viewers a hilarious and lovable group of women tackling life together in retirement. Today, ...
A Renewed Vision for Suicide Prevention
By WellPath Partners |
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the grim reality of suicide in seniors. In 2018, it is said ...
One Virus, Two Diseases – How Shingles Affects Seniors
By WellPath Partners |
Seniors may remember a time in their childhood where they stayed home from school and away from other children for ...
COVID-19 Resources for Older Adults
By WellPath Partners |
During these unprecedented times, the pandemic of COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on our world and nation. The older ...
Emerging Issues in Skilled Nursing Facilities Across the United States
By WellPath Partners |
Skilled nursing facilities (SNF) have also been referred to as nursing homes. SNFs are for individuals that require a higher ...
Tips to Help Your Vision or Hearing Impaired Love One(s)
By WellPath Partners |
According to the National Institute of Health, more than half of older adults have either vision or hearing decline by ...
Public Health and Older Adults: Caring for the Increasing Aging Population
By WellPath Partners |
Public health professionals know that people are living longer and the aging population is increasing rapidly. There are challenges that ...